Restaurant Outlook Survey - Q3 2024 Question Title * 1. How would you best describe the current business climate for your foodservice company? Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Question Title * 2. What are the biggest factors (e.g. economy, government policies) that are currently impacting your business? Question Title * 3. Would you say the number of restaurants in your area is higher, about the same or lower compared to pre-pandemic levels? Higher About the same Lower Question Title * 4. So far this summer, was the following, higher, lower or about the same as it was compared to last summer? Higher About the same Lower Total sales Total sales Higher Total sales About the same Total sales Lower Guest count Guest count Higher Guest count About the same Guest count Lower Profitability Profitability Higher Profitability About the same Profitability Lower Question Title * 5. What best describes the current profitability of your overall operations? Making a pre-tax profit of 10% or more Making a pre-tax profit of 6% to 9% Making a pre-tax profit of 3% to 5% Making a pre-tax profit of 0% to 2% Breaking even Operating at a loss Question Title * 6. Looking ahead to 2025, do you expect your profit margin will improve, get worse or stay the same? Much better Somewhat better Stay the same Somewhat worse Much worse Please include any comments below: Question Title * 7. Again, looking ahead to 2025, what do you expect will be the top challenges facing your business? (Please select all that apply.) Energy / utility costs Weak consumer demand Repaying debt incurred during the pandemic Managing sustainability / sourcing alternatives to single-use plastics Weak economy Labour shortages Food costs Neighbourhood crime Labour costs None of the above Please include any comments below: Question Title * 8. In 2025, by how much do you expect you will raise your menu prices? Less than 1% 1% to 2% 2% to 3% 3% to 4% 4% to 5% 5% to 6% 6% to 7% More than 7% Don't know / not sure Question Title * 9. Do you currently offer any benefits (e.g. health insurance, dental insurance, etc.) to your employees? Yes No Next