Faculty/Staff Signage Survey

The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the University's exterior wayfinding sign system. Your feedback will be used to develop a new sign system, that demonstrates the spirit of Ferris State University and enhances the overall wayfinding experience.
1.Do you have to direct students and/or visitors to their destination?
2.Do students and/or visitors usually ask you for directions?
3.Do you ever ask students and/or visitors if they need you to provide directions?
4.Use the scale to rank the identification of parking lots, with 1 being WELL IDENTIFIED and 5 being NOT WELL IDENTIFIED: (check one)
Lot Number
Authorized/Restricted Use
Rules & Regulations
Event Parking
Color Coding
5.Do you think that it’s clear to students and/or visitors how and where to obtain parking passes?
6.What do you think is the most challenging campus destination for students and/or visitors to find?
7.Please identify any other destinations that are difficult to find.
8.In your opinion, what landmarks are useful in giving directions to students and/or visitors?
9.Use the scale to rank the following components of the sign program, with 1 being AGREE and 5 being DISAGREE:
Letter size sufficiently large
Signs apparent / obvious
Adequate color contrast
Signs appealing
Consistent messages
Consistent locations
Too many signs
Too few signs
Building Names / Letters are clear/concise
10.Which of the following would be helpful to students and/or visitors in finding their destination?
11.Overall, do you think that the campus wayfinding sign system is user friendly?
12.Additional Comments:
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered