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* 1. Approximately how many years have you worked for NOAA?

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* 3. Please select the choice that most closely describes your level in the organization you’re departing (or have already left).

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* 4. In your most recent NOAA position, how many days did you work in each of these places during a typical 2-week pay period?

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* 5. What is your duty station?

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* 7. Before leaving your position with your organization, had you accepted a job offer at another organization?

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* 8. In your new position, how do you expect your total salary to change?

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* 9. In your new position, where will you work in a typical 2-week pay period?

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* 10. What, if anything, could have prevented your decision to leave?

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* 11. What did you enjoy about working for NOAA?

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* 12. How effective was NOAA at the alignment of the communicated position requirements with the day-to-day experiences of the job you are leaving (or have left).

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* 13. How effective was your supervisor at providing ongoing and or continuous feedback about your job performance?

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* 14. How likely is it that you would recommend the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to a friend or colleague as a great place to work?

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* 15. While working for NOAA:

  Always Frequently Rarely Never
I was treated fairly.
I was adequately trained for my position.
I was adequately compensated.
I had opportunities for career advancement.

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* 16. I generally felt that:

  Always Frequently Rarely Never
My workload was manageable and achievable.
My ideas were sought and encouraged.
My contributions were recognized and rewarded fairly.
My work was valuable and contributed to the mission.

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* 17. My supervisor...

  Always Frequently Rarely Never
...established specific performance objectives.
...provided guidance and assistance needed to perform my job effectively.
...provided constructive feedback.
...recognized my achievements.
...encouraged/ practiced open communication.
...demonstrated fair and equal treatment.
...supported work/ life balance.

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* 18. My working relationship with co-workers was positive.

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* 19. What demographic category or categories do you most identify with?

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* 20. Do you have a disability which required an accommodation?

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* 21. To what generational cohort do you belong?

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