MU School of Medicine Website User Survey Question Title * 1. What is your age group? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 2. Which of the following gender categories describes how you self-identify?(The following question is for research purposes only. It will allow us to compare anonymous responses across groups to ensure our website is as inclusive as possible.) Woman Man Non-binary Prefer not to say Prefer to describe Describe: Question Title * 3. What is your level of education? Less than High School High school (including GED) Some college (no degree) Associate degree (2-year) Bachelor’s degree (4-year) Advanced degree (Master’s degree, PhD, MD) Prefer not to say Question Title * 4. Which of the following best describes you? Please select the answer that best fits your current visit to our website. Prospective student Prospective resident or fellow Prospective employee or faculty Current student Current resident or fellow Current employee or faculty Alumni Donor Other, such as external researcher, community business leader, civic group leader, etc. (Please specify.) 17% of survey complete. Next