Queenstown Housing Renewed Survey

Queenstown Housing Initiative  

1.Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
2.What is your age?
3.Which best describes your current living situation
4.Which area do you currently live? (eg Fernhill/Goldfield Heights)

5.How many bedrooms/bathrooms do you currently have?
6.Is your current accomodation 'Healthy homes' compliant?
7.How much rent do you currently pay? (how many rooms/bathrooms?)  
8.Have you had a rental increase this year?
9.What percentage increase?
10.Has your mental health been affected by your current housing status? 
11.Would you be OPPOSED to allowing 'Freedom camping' for people facing homelessness in council owned car parks etc to ensure people sleeping in vehicles are safe? (Eg, events centre car park between the hours of dark only. Creating a pass of some sort for it’s for locals who have nowhere to go)
12.Would you join your community in another peaceful protest to continue to bring awareness to the sitatuion?

13.What would be your key ideas to take to council and government to help with the housing crisis? 
14.Who, in your opinion, is responsible for sorting out the current housing crisis and why? 
15.In 5 words or less how would you describe Queenstown as a local? 
16.Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?