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Hello, I am Marissa Reisgies and I am working on my dissertation “Perceptions of Mental Illness: The Impact on Jury Verdicts.” I am conducting a study for my doctorate program in Clinical Forensic Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and I could use your help recruiting participants for this study.

This study is about various types of expert testimony and their influence on jury verdicts. I am recruiting participants who are 25 years and older, United States citizens, never convicted of a felony (with no charges pending), and fluent in English to participate as mock jurors. If you have these qualifications, I hope you will consider participating in this study!

If you are interested, please pass this opportunity to friends and family to participate as well, thank you!

This is an online survey in which data will be collected using Survey Monkey. This survey will describe a fictitious case that involves sexual assault. If you have experienced sexual assault, please do not participate in this study.

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes. Should you have any questions regarding your participation in this study please contact Marissa Reisgies (Researcher) at or Dr. Linda Gomberg (Dissertation Chair) at
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