Clarksville MPO Public Participation Survey Question Title * 1. What method would you like to receive information concerning MPO meetings, open houses, document reviews, etc.? Select all that apply. Newspaper Email City of Clarksville website, MPO website, Montgomery County website, Oak Grove website Hard Copy at MPO office and/or Local Agencies offices Flyers on CTS buses/transfer center, Churches, Grocery Stores APSU Website Social Media – City of Clarksville and Montgomery County Facebook pages Direct mailing Other Question Title * 2. In your opinion, choose the three most effective method for public participation/outreach. Question Title * 3. Which of the following categories best describes your affiliation/organization? Citizen Local Government Agency County Government Agency State Government Agency Federal Government Agency Public Transportation/Transit Provider Environmental Advocacy Bicycle/Pedestrian Advocacy Disabled Citizen Care Advocacy Senior Citizen Care/Advocacy Freight Shipper Transportation Consultant Other Question Title * 4. If you wish to join the Clarksville MPO Email Distribution List, please provide your email address. (On average 5 emails per year) Question Title * 5. Please provide any other comments/suggestions you feel will assist us with public outreach efforts. Done