Welcome to the Wellness Index

Welcome to the Wellness Index Survey. 

The Index is the first of its kind in Canada, and a useful assessment tool that begins the conversation about the importance of Wellness. The Index explores how organizations define Wellness and Wellness Programming. Taking 10 minutes to complete, the Index will provide a good bench mark for you and your organization alongside of other participants. Over a two year period we have had close to 300 companies participate making it a credible point of comparison.

We invite you to take part as well.  A report comparing your responses to the aggregate will be provided within 4 weeks of completion.  Your response is confidential and HCG will not share your response or any information about your organization or it's participation in the survey with any other party.  Your response will be added to the aggregate results to continue to build the benchmark.

If you have questions regarding the index, please contact Brian Reynolds.  905.520.7582 or breynolds@hansellconsulting.com