Question Title

* 1. Have you used handouts, fact sheets or electronic flash drives you received when you attended Grow Your Own, Nevada! classes to help you garden?

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* 2. Have you shared Grow Your Own, Nevada! program materials with others (family, friends, neighbors, etc.)?

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* 3. Have you visited the Grow Your Own, Nevada! website (

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* 4. Have you "liked", commented or posted on the Grow Your Own, Nevada! Facebook page (

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate the strength to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: (1= strongly disagree; 4= strongly agree)

  1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree
Grow Your Own, Nevada! classes have improved my gardening skills.
I have learned new gardening skills from the Grow Your Own, Nevada! program.
Grow Your Own, Nevada! classes have made me more successful gardening in Nevada's harsh climate.
I have enjoyed the diversity of topics taught during the Grow Your Own, Nevada! program.
I will attend future Grow Your Own, Nevada! classes offered at my local Cooperative Extension office.

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* 6. As a result of attending Grow Your Own, Nevada! classes (check all that apply):

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* 7. Please share other comments about the Grow Your Own, Nevada! program: