Health Questions

Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey below. The purpose of this survey is to get your opinions about community health problems in Sheridan Neighborhood. We will use the results of this survey to plan future community health programming.

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* 1. How would you rate:

  Very unhealthy Unhealthy Somewhat Healthy Healthy Very Healthy
Your physical health
Your mental health
Our community's health in general

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* 2. Do you have healthcare coverage?

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* 3. Are you able to access care or visit health care facilities when needed?

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* 4. Please rate your experience with local healthcare facilities and programs:

  Bad Unsatisfactory Neutral  Satisfactory Excellent
Language & cultural competency
Respectful practitioners
Transportation to and from the facilities
Building accessibility

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* 5. How often do you think your healthcare needs are met?

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* 6. What are some of the barriers to meet your healthcare needs?

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* 7. Considering the changes that took place since March 1, 2020 (the start of the COVID-19 pandemic), how would you rate access to the following: 

  Bad Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent N/A
COVID-19 testing
COVID-19 vaccines
Communication about COVID-19 resources and information

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* 8. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood?

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* 9. What programs would you like to see from Sheridan Neighborhood Organization to help address community health? Please rank the following:

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* 10. Do you have any other comments or ideas on how SNO can support you in meeting your healthcare needs or creating a healthy community generally?