Exit Root Cause Medicine Question Title * 1. Do you have an Autoimmune Disease? Yes No Question Title * 2. Are you taking a prescription to manage your condition? Yes No N/A I don’t have an Autoimmune condition Question Title * 3. If yes, how often are you taking your medication? N/a - I’m not taking medication Multiple times per day Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Twice a year Annually Other Question Title * 4. If applicable, to what extent do you experience side effects from your medication? N/A - I don’t take medication for my Autoimmune condition A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 5. To what extent do you find your treatment financially burdensome? N/a A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 6. Are you interested in root cause medicine / holistic treatment options? Yes No Question Title * 7. To what extent have you explored root cause / holistic treatment options in the past? N/a A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 8. Have you ever tried holistic / root cause medicine? Yes No Question Title * 9. Select the items that you feel are barriers to pursuing root cause / holistic treatment options (select all that apply) Cost Knowledge gap Overwhelming nature of the process Lack of support Lack of community Unclear what doctors and tests are needed Other Done