Together with the independent research foundation Insyght Institute and CBD Marketing Hub, we are building a definitive benchmarking  study of CBD market drivers and we’d value your input.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete. In return, you’ll receive an exclusive executive summary of the findings when they are published as well as a complimentary report that highlights the survey results.

Note: Responses will be reported at the aggregate level, with no company specific information disclosed in the publicly shared findings. Topline results will be presented at this year's conference.


This survey was commissioned to provide a collective voice to industry insiders to broadcast important trends currently absent from public view and discourse. It will reveal important industry insights and link our social mission and drive toward transparency to market opportunities. Information that, until now, has been out-of-reach of many CBD companies.

Topline results from the study, overseen by the Insyght Institute, a nonprofit research foundation will be presented in a scheduled panel discussion at this year’s conference. The Institute’s team has over 40 years of providing research on related key market and consumer health care.

Together with our survey co-sponsor underwriter CBD Marketing Hub, we want to thank you for your time in completing this survey by providing this automatic entry into our drawing for a Visa Gift Card. We’ll notify our one $100 and two $50 winners of their gift card award via email and our facebook page post.

Again, thank you and welcome to our conference.

Question Title

* 1. How many CBD and/or Cannabis conferences do you participate in annually?

Question Title

* 2. How many CBD and/or Cannabis conferences does your company participate in annually?

Question Title

* 3. CBD companies report increased participation in more consumer-oriented expos such as Women’s Shows, Veteran, Arthritis and Cancer Foundations and other related events over the last two years. How many consumer-oriented conferences will your company exhibit at this year?

Question Title

* 4. Which of these options best defines your company’s client?

Question Title

* 5. What primarily inspired your company’s founder to get involved in the CBD industry?

Question Title

* 6. CBD companies report more than doubling their growth annually, on average growing at a rate of 107 percent year-over-year according to the Brightfield Group. Is this industry average:

Question Title

* 7. Does your current growth plan include growing your organization to make it more attractive for possible merger, acquisition or capital funding in excess of $1 million EBITDA?

Question Title

* 8. What portion of its CBD company product sales, if any, does your company contribute to social, medical associations or affinity organizations like Cancer Associations, Pet Shelters, Veterans or other Associations?

Question Title

* 9. What did your company report in total monetary contributions to registered 501(c)(3) causes in 2019?  Note: This detail will be used to support our Annual CBD Company Giving Report.

Question Title

* 10. Please identify your company's top two charitable cause recipients:

Question Title

* 11. Does anyone in your company or your supply chain, partner with a doctor, pharmacist, licensed practitioner, or a veterinarian?

Question Title

* 12. Thirty-four percent of survey respondents would try CBD if their doctor recommended it, according to a High Yield Insights study. Given the impact of physician recommendations on product efficacy and growth, how many U.S.-based physicians do you estimate are currently recommending CBD?

Question Title

* 13. In order to improve consumer engagement, would your company be willing to work with other CBD companies and related advocacy organizations to provide collective physician engagement and education?

Question Title

* 14. Rank the top three CBD user groups market potential for your business.

  1. Alzheimer’s
  2. Anxiety/Stress
  3. Arthritis
  4. Athletes
  5. Beauty/Personal Care
  6. Cancer
  7. College students
  8. Migraines/Headaches
  9. Pain
  10. Parkinson’s
  11. Pet Owners
  12. Sleep/Insomnia
  13. Smokers
  14. Veterans

Question Title

* 15. Does anyone in your company or does your supply chain, produce a Certificate of Analysis (COA) and, if so, where is it posted and available for consumer review?

Question Title

* 16. Does your company or anyone in your supply chain, produce and use a QR (Quick Response) code on your company’s product labels or provide a tracker on your website?

Question Title

* 17. Does your company or anyone in your supply chain, use a batch code tracker label for your company’s products?

Question Title

* 18. What percentage of your company’s budget is allocated to consumer education?

Question Title

* 19. Rank from greatest (#1) to least (#4), the influencing factors you feel may impede consumer acceptance of CBD.

  1. Current absence of national FDA guidelines
  2. State/County/local guidelines and/or restrictions
  3. Scientific research
  4. Lack of commonly used and/or accepted industry standards

Question Title

* 20. What is your current sentiment about the impact of Cannabis legislation on your CBD product sales?

Question Title

* 21. Which of the following reflects your sentiment about Cannabis legislation?  It will:

Question Title

* 22. To help us understand who is attending our conference, which of the following best represents your position in your company:

Question Title

* 23. How many years has your company been in the CBD industry?

Question Title

* 24. What was your company’s 2019 annual revenue growth over last year.

Question Title

* 25. What percentage of your company’s annual revenue is invested in marketing/advertising?

Question Title

* 26. Among options below, which is an area of concentration for your organization? Rank from the highest area of concentration (#1) to the least (#6):

Question Title

* 27. If your company is currently supporting ethnic consumer marketing campaigns, among the following ethnic populations below, which is most important to your growth?

Question Title

* 28. Which of the following do you use in your marketing efforts? (please select all that apply)

Question Title

* 29. Select your company’s top five marketing investments this past year.

  1. Brand Ambassador(s)
  2. Direct Mail
  3. Digital
  4. Earned media (PR)
  5. Email marketing
  6. Expos/Trade Shows
  7. Influencer marketing
  8. Local Events (Fairs, Farmer Markets…)
  9. Outdoor (billboards)
  10. Newspaper/Magazines
  11. Re-marketing
  12. Sampling
  13. Shared mail
  14. Social marketing
  15. Street team marketing
  16. SEO
  17. Website Development/Management

Question Title

* 30. What is your 2020 outlook?

Question Title

* 31. In order to forward you a full summary of survey results and enter you into the Visa card drawing, we need your contact information. Your individual survey responses and contact information will be kept strictly confidential. Responses will be reported at the aggregate level, with no-company specific information disclosed in the publicly shared findings.

Question Title

* 32. If you or your company is interested in participating in media opportunities related to the survey results, please advise Y/N

Question Title

* 33. On behalf of survey research team at the Insyght Institute, underwriter CBD Marketing Hub and ourselves, thank you for your time in completing this survey. We look forward to sharing aggregated results at the conference and encourage you to watch for our exclusive Insiders Report.

Please click on the "DONE" box below to submit your survey.