1. Consultation questions

Question Title

* 1. Are you involved in the trade?

Question Title

* 2. Do you wish to make a representation on the revised policy?

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your representation/comment here, please refer to the section or page you are commenting on if possible.

Question Title

* 4. Are there any other comments you wish to make?

Question Title

* 5. Your Details

Data Protection Privacy Notice

The personal information you provide will only be used by Rushcliffe Borough Council, the Data Controller, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation 2016/ Data Protection Act 2018 to: process your application, query or to provide a service that you are requesting or undertake a statutory function (also known as a ‘public task’) The basis for processing this information is to enable the council to undertake a public task or to provide the service that you are requesting. Your personal information will be included in a public register in accordance with our statutory responsibility.

Your personal data will be kept in accordance with the Council’s retention policy and schedule. Details of which can be found on the Council’s website at http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/retention_schedule/

In accordance with GDPR you have a right to:
- have a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. Details of how to obtain this are available at http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/foi
- Request that your personal data be corrected or completed.
- Complain to the Information Commissioner if you feel that your information is not being handled appropriately (https://ico.org.uk/)

You may also have a right to:
- have your personal data transferred (data portability).
- prevent automated processing and profiling.
- erasure (also known as the right to be forgotten).
- restrict processing.
- object to processing.

Your data protection rights are not absolute and in most cases are subject to the Council demonstrating compliance with other statutory legislation, for further information see http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/privacy/

For further details about how your personal information may be used or about your rights under data protection legislation, please contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer at -
By post: Data Protection Officer, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG.
By email: customerservices@rushcliffe.gov.uk
By Telephone: 0115 981 9911