Please share your thoughts

Your answers to the questions below will contribute to the co-production of a website page to help men better understand the Menopause, and how it affects the women in their personal, professional and social lives.

Please take 5 minutes to answer all the questions, you do not have to supply your name, or any other details.

Question Title

* 1. Thinking about any women in your life, have you noticed any physical, emotional, cognitive or behavioural changes as they have become older? Please list those you have noticed.

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* 2. Do you know what the Menopause is? Please list any symptoms you may be aware of.

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* 3. Would you find it useful to know more about the Menopause so you can better understand the women around you who are experiencing it?

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* 4. Which would you find useful?

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* 5. If you are in a relationship with a woman who is currently going through the menopause, how has this affected your relationship?

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* 6. Would you find it useful to learn of ways to improve your support for her?

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* 7. What do you think your role is in helping your partner through her menopausal journey?

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* 8. How would you describe the way you have been with your partner whilst she’s been on her Menopausal journey?

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* 9. What has been the most useful source of Menopause information you have found for yourself?