1. Staff will need to quarantine at home and not report to work. Return to work would be based on meeting one of the following criteria:
a. 10 days have passed since symptoms appeared or since positive test, 24 hours have passed since last fever, and symptoms have improved
b. 7 days have passed since symptoms appeared or since positive test, 24 hours have passed since last fever, and symptoms have improved AND you have tested negative within 48 hours of returning to work.
*Staff with severe or critical illness or who are moderately to severely immunocompromised may have an extended quarantine than what is listed above*
2. In times of a staffing shortage, healthcare facilities can utilize a contingency staffing capacity that could allow staff to return to work prior to 7 days. That criteria includes:
a. At least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared or since positive test date (day 0), AND
b. At least 24 hours have passed since last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, AND
c. Symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) have improved.
d. Upon return to work, staff should continue to be masked and distance themselves from others when eating and drinking
*Healthcare facilities may choose to confirm resolution of infection with a negative PCR or a series of 2 negative antigen tests taken 48 hours apart*.