EXIT Action Plumbing Services Survey Plumbing Service Survey Helping us understand your needs will allow us to do a better job or providing the right services, expertise and savings to make your experience more satisfying. OK Question Title * 1. In the last 12 months, how many times did you have to call a repair service? 10+ times 5-9 times 1-4 times Not at all OK Question Title * 2. How many times in the last year have you performed your own repairs? More than 5 times Maybe once or twice Not at all OK Question Title * 3. If you performed your own or hired someone to repair something in your home, how many times was that repair plumbing related? Every time Most of the time Once or twice Never OK Question Title * 4. If at least one repair was plumbing related, which of the following most closely matches the type of repair? New appliance (garbage disposal, for example) Toilet clog or replaced toilet Indoor shower or sink drain Outdoor shower (replacement or repair) Other (please specify) OK DONE