The Raven Reader Survey

Hail GFOP! Thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey so that we can learn a bit more about you and what you’re looking for from this newsletter moving forward. We genuinely love sending out The Raven each week–and reading your responses to it–and want to make it an even better experience for you, the reader.
1.How would you rate your confidence in your soccer/football knowledge (with 1 being low and 5 being Timothée Chalamet levels)?
2.Which leagues or competitions do you care about most outside of the Premier League and World Cup? Please select up to three.
3.Which parts of The Raven do you enjoy most? Please select three.
4.Which topics would you like to see more of in The Raven? Please select up to three.
5.What’s one thing you’d like to see us change about The Raven? Other than, ya know, "everything."
6.What frequency would you like to receive The Raven from us?
7.We typically send The Raven around 12:00 p.m. EST on Fridays. Would you:
8.What other soccer/football newsletters focused on the men’s game do you read?
9.Why did you subscribe to The Raven?
10.How likely are you to recommend The Raven? With 1 being "absolutely not" and 5 being "I enjoy nothing more than spreading the word."
11.What is your biggest barrier to sharing The Raven?
12.Where did you hear about The Raven?
13.What gender do you identify with?
14.How old are you?
15.Please provide your zip/postal code.
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered