This year’s conference will take place  at Cuivre River State Park in the historic Camp Sherwood CCC group camp.  Hosting our workshop at a group camp keeps our costs low and means FREE lodging for you, if you choose to stay in the camp.  Hotel lodging is available in town for anyone who wishes to stay there.  Lodging information is available on the AMI website.
As many of our members know, AMI chose to part ways with the National Association for Interpretation last year.   This "parting of ways" has been bittersweet and challenging, and part of that challenge is planning a conference with zero budget.   AMI is working hard to fill the requirements needed to request some of our funds back from NAI, but in the meantime, we are heading "back to the basics" with this year's conference, being held in one of Cuivre River State Park's historic CCC group camps.  The Northeast Region committee members have worked hard to put together a great conference this year, and we are excited to have you as a part of it!

This registration form will give the conference committee a means of keeping track of the registrations electronically, but you will NOT be able to pay from here.   Your confirmation email will include instructions on how to send payment to AMI treasurer Michelle Soenksen via mail or phone.  We realize that many of you will be using your agency procurement cards for payment, so AMI recently obtained the ability to accept credit card payments.  To save service charges, you will be asked to fill out a form and mail the information to Michelle, or call her and give her your credit card number.  We hope to figure out how to do online bill paying without using third party processors, but we aren't quite there yet!

Please visit for full field session descriptions, conference schedule, and other important conference news.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call conference chair Jamie Hubert at (636) 528-7247.

Registration deadline extended until September 1, 2016.