Self Help Resource Center Satisfaction Questionnaire Question Title * 1. What was your legal issue? Divorce - filing for first time (petitioner - if you are defendant, see option below) Custody - filing for first time (petitioner - if you are defendant, see option below) Modifying an existing custody order Requesting a continuance Reseting a Motion Contempt by other party Answering a suit that was filed against me Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Overall, I am ____ with the service I received today Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 3. Please check the box(es) that comes closest to how you feel about your visit to the self help center today: I have a better understanding thanks to the information I received. I felt the volunteer listened to what I had to say and provided the necessary information. I would recommend this service to a friend and/or family member. Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Please indicate what service you received: Forms Answer to my question Help following up with court orders Information on where to go for more help Referred to an attorney outside court Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Why did you choose to represent yourself in this matter? My case is not complicated enough to need an attorney I cannot afford an attorney. I don't want to spend the money on an attorney. I don't trust attorneys. Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. If this program was not available, where would you have gone for help? An attorney. A friend. Not sure/Don't Know Legal online web service Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What other service would you have found helpful today? Question Title * 8. Please tell us how you think we can improve our services to clients? Please fill in comments if so Comments Done