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1. Which province are you based in?

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2. Do you work in, or have you worked in, an organisation involved in planning or implementation of adaptation projects?

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3. What type of organisation do you work for or are you associated with?

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4. How long have you worked or did you work for such an organisation? (If you have worked for multiple such organization, please describe the organization with which you had the most extensive experience)

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5. Which category do the projects fall into?

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6. Refering to adaptation planning or implentation projects undertaken by the organisation with which you have had the most extensive experience, which of the following factors is present in those projects?

  always frequently rarely never
Sharing of ideas with other stakeholders
Development of trust amongst stakeholders
Participation by all stakeholders
Improved conflict resolution
Collective action towards project goals
Continuous interaction and feedback
Planning and implementation processes are flexible
Participants recognize the value of sharing information between actors

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7. Referring to the organisation with which you have had the most extensive experience, which of the following factors characterizes your organisation?

  A great deal A little Not at all Not sure
Empowers junior employees to experiment
Operates internationally
Tolerates errors
Has processes in place to translate feedback into changed practices
Has sufficient budget to engage with stakeholders repetitively
Project or planning process are continuously updated
Most projects are initiated locally
Most projects are initiated from top down
The capacity of the local stakeholders to engage with the project is enabled

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8. In your opinion, have any of the factors listed in the question above, or any others not listed but which you would like to add, contributed to an environment of stakeholder engagement, learning, and trust, in the adaptation projects with which that organisation has been involved? (please specify)

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9. In your opinion, which of the these factors has played the single MOST important role? (please specify)

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10. Referring to the adaptation projects with which that organization has been involved, which of the following factors characterizes those projects?

  always frequently rarely never not sure
Project beneficiaries are willing and open to learn
Project implementers are willing and open to learn
Increased cooperation and synergy with other organisations
An increased understanding of the issue
A common interest and a shared vision by stakeholders
Increased trust amongst stakeholders

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11. In your opinion, have any of the factors listed in the previous question, or any others not listed but which you would like to add, contributed to an environment of stakeholder engagement, learning, and trust, in the adaptation projects with which that organization has been involved? (please specify)

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12. In your opinion, which of the above factors has played the MOST important role in contributing to an environment of stakeholder engagement, learning, and trust, in the adaptation projects with which that organization has been involved? (please specify)

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13. Are there any factors associated with that organization or the projects with which it has been involved that, in your opinion, that have seriously undermined the development of an environment of stakeholder engagement, learning, and trust?

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14. Can you refer me to additional key informants/contacts for the survey? (if yes you can list their contacts or organisations below)