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East Bay Community Action Program welcomes you to the 2024 Rhode Island Statewide LGBTQIA+ Community Needs & Experiences Survey! This is an initiative of EBCAP's Transgender Whole Healthcare Program, designed to help fill gaping holes in the research on LGBTQIA+ people's health, lives, and needs. The survey covers topics such as demographics, healthcare experiences, discrimination, priorities, and resilience, among others.

This survey has lofty goals, because there exist at present enormous gaps in available research data on LGBTQIA+ people. Having detailed, robust data will allow all of us- community members, providers, service organizations, and government- to better understand the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ people. It will also allow organizations to develop better programs, services, and products that meet the needs of our community.

This survey will take between 30-60 minutes to complete, depending on each participant's responses and the level of detail in each response. We utilize question logic rules to reduce redundancy, which means that each participant may see a different number of questions, or questions in a different order.

We do recognize that many of these questions are sensitive in nature. We have added increased privacy protection by fully anonymizing this data and adding HIPAA compliance to our surveying platform.

We also recognize the emotional labor that is inherent in completing a survey like this, and that the LGBTQIA+ community is frequently over-surveyed. While there is no cost nor compensation for completing this survey, please know it is completely optional. There will be no consequences for choosing not to participate. You may stop at any time. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer. You may submit incomplete responses. You may request your data be removed from the set at any time by emailing The more complete and detailed data we collect, the more custom-tailored programs and services we can create. A wide variety of programs, initiatives, and activists need strong data to support their innovative ideas to better the lives of the LGBTQIA+ community!

Some of the questions are necessarily heavy in nature. They may be uncomfortable or triggering. If you need additional support at any time, please reach out to any of the following crisis support services:

Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline 1-877-565-8860

Please direct any questions or concerns to Thank you for your time and we look forward to sharing our findings with you this winter!
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