Children of all ages can create a masterpiece for the Pediatric Sepsis Week Coloring Contest. The winning creation will be placed on a tote and sweatshirt to raise money for Sepsis Alliance’s lifesaving work, in honor of all those impacted by pediatric sepsis. Submit your child’s masterpiece by April 18, 2025. The top finalists will be notified by April 21st. Finalists will be posted to Sepsis Alliance’s Instagram story on April 23rd for voting. Please reach out to with any questions.

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* 1. Child's First Name & Last Initial

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* 2. What is your child's relationship to sepsis?

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* 3. Parent/Legal Guardian First & Last Name

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* 4. Parent/Legal Guardian Email Address

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* 5. Parent/Legal Guardian Phone Number

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* 6. Address

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* 7. Upload Coloring Page

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.

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* 8. By submitting the drawing to Sepsis Alliance, I acknowledge and agree that all rights are transferred to Sepsis Alliance upon submission. I understand that Sepsis Alliance will have full ownership of the drawing and may use, modify, reproduce, display, and distribute it in any form or medium for promotional, educational, fundraising, or other purposes.