NEPBI: 2024-2025 Beef and Veal Grant Program: Pre- Survey Question Title * 1. How likely are you to cook beef at home? (1:very likely; 5: not very likely) 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4--- 5 (choose one) Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 2. How would you rate your level of knowledge regarding beef cuts/cookery? (1:veryknowledgeable; 5: not knowledgeable) 1 - Very Knowledgeable 2 - Somewhat Knowledgeable 3 - Neutral 4 - Little Knowledgeable 5 - Not Knowledgeable Question Title * 3. Considering all you know about beef, select the response that best describes youropinion. The positives of beef strongly outweigh the negatives The positives of beef somewhat outweigh the negatives Neutral The negatives of beef somewhat outweigh the positives The negatives of beef strongly outweigh the positives Question Title * 4. Student's Name Question Title * 5. Schools/ Institution Name Done