Have questions? Email edcon@americancircuseducators.org

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2024 American Circus Educators Conference in Dallas, Texas!

Welcome all circus educators! The American Circus Educators Conference (ACE EdCon) serves as a meeting place for those active in all the diverse areas of circus education. If you teach circus, run a circus program, research circus, teach circus educators, or work with any type of circus education, you will find connections and inspiration at the 2024 ACE Educators Conference!

- Application Deadline: August 1st at 11.59pm Pacific Time. Application status notification by August 15th, 2024 at the latest.

- New and returning presenters are all welcome!

- Presenters must be AYCO/ACE Members and must attend the conference, as EdCon is by and for the community! If you're not a member yet, you can sign up here. We'd love to have you!

- Confirmed presenters will be offered a conference pass at a discounted rate. Please do not purchase a conference pass until you hear back from us. Unless you would like to forego the discount. Presenters who are accepted will be given a special discount code to register with - please wait to register until you know if you’ve been accepted as processing refunds is a lot of extra work.

- If you are submitting multiple workshops, please use a separate form for each one.

- If you would like to co-present, please use one form and give both presenters' information for the relevant questions.

- If you would like to propose a panel, please include information about proposed panelists in the session outline question.

- We suggest that you offer very specific workshop titles and subjects so that the content of your workshop is clear to participants (for instance "5 Ways to do a Belay" instead of "Silks Tricks").

- We are committed to creating a festival that is inclusive and meets the needs of our growing community. We are focused on accepting the highest quality workshops possible, and ensuring that session descriptions are accurate so that participants have a high level of satisfaction.

- AYCO/ACE is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse event, and would like to particularly invite BIPOC folks and those who hold other marginalized identities who might not otherwise have access to the festival to apply.”

- By filling out this application you agree to collaborate with AYCO/ACE to ensure presentation standards.

Question Title

* 1. Session Title:

Question Title

* 2. Contact:

Please enter your contact details:

About the Session

Question Title

* 3. Description:
100-300 words. This is the description participants will read to decide if they will sign up for your session. Please include (not in list format!):
1. What topics will be covered/what kind of activities may be involved
3. Who may be interested or for whom the session is designed
4. What participants leave with/knowing
(Please write out a full description that includes these things).

Question Title

* 4. Lesson Plan/Outline:

Please provide us with an outline or lesson plan for your session. This information will be used to assess if the workshop is a good fit for our event, it will not be shared publicly. Make sure to include skills, techniques, or concepts that will be taught in enough detail that we know what you will cover and how!

Question Title

* 5. What kind of activities can participants expect?

Question Title

* 6. What general 'thread' does your session belong with?

Question Title

* 7. Are there prerequisites for this session?

Question Title

* 8. Participants:
Please let us know the maximum number of participants. If you have another maximum in mind, please tell us in the "Comments" box. 

If you can take more students with the addition of qualified spotters or certain equipment, please let us know so we can work with you. We strive to maintain a high quality and safe context while including as many participants as possible in sessions and appreciate your assistance in order to make this happen.

Question Title

* 9. What resources does your session require? Please check all boxes that apply:

Question Title

* 10. What resources will you bring? (include equipment [i.e. aerial apparatuses or juggling items], computers, and anything that you will bring to use in your session)

Question Title

* 11. Session Slots:
We hope you will be able to present your session at least twice during the course of the conference. Please check ALL YOUR AVAILABLE options.

About the Presenter

Question Title

* 12. Presenter Bio:
100-250 words: This will be attached to your session. Please include (but not in list format):
1. General biographical info; 
2. Relevant credentials for teaching this session;
3. Any relevant circus organization or other affiliations

Question Title

* 13. References:

Provide us with a full name, email, and phone number for two references who can speak to your experience and qualifications for your session topic.

Question Title

* 14. Presenters must be individual ACE members. Are you an ACE member?

Question Title

* 15. Have you presented at an ACE Educator's Conference before?

Question Title

* 16. Are you willing to participate in other conference proceedings? Please check all that apply:

Question Title

* 17. If I am selected as a presenter, I will give my permission for AYCO/ACE to conduct a criminal and sexual offender record check.

Question Title

* 18. Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? (social media info, special certifications, other life experiences, etc.)