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* 1. The Mission of RHA Health Services, LLC is "to provide a safe and healthy environment while creating opportunities for personal outcomes." Do you agree that RHA Health Services actively supports this our mission?

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* 2. RHA Health Services, LLC keeps me informed about important information affecting my family member/individual.

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* 3. I feel that when I communicate my thoughts, concerns, questions and comments, they are heard by staff and respond to timely.

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* 4. To my knowledge, my family member/individual is satisfied in his/her current living arrangement and/or day services.

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* 5. To my knowledge, my family member/individual is treated with respect in his/her current living arrangement and/or day services at RHA Health Services, LLC.

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* 6. My family member/individual is engaged and has a choice of social interaction within the community.

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* 7. As a result of services provided by RHA Health Services, LLC, the quality of life of my family member/individual has improved.

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* 8. What can RHA Health Services, LLC do to improve our services for your family member/individual?

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* 9. What program are you affiliated with?