1. About you and your Home for Good connection

Tell us about yourself and what part, if any, Home for Good has played in your journey to/through fostering, adoption or supported lodgings.

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* 1. Which of these is applicable to you and the school-aged children in your care? Tick all that apply.

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* 3. What is your BT postcode area in Northern Ireland (ie first half of your postcode)

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* 4. Pre-approval, how influential was Home for Good in your journey towards fostering, adoption or supported lodgings?

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* 5. Please briefly explain your response to the previous question (re Home for Good's influence in your pre-approval journey)

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* 6. Post-approval, how significant has Home for Good been in your continued journey as a carer, parent or host?

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* 7. Please briefly explain your response to the previous question (re Home for Good's influence in your pre-approval journey)