Exit Sanborn Elementary School Playground Survey The town of Andover is researching the scope of improvements to the Sanborn Elementary School Playground, located at 90 Lovejoy Road. Please help the Sanborn Playground design process by sharing your ideas on how to best improve the playground. Please provide a response no later than October 30th. Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer the questions below to the best of your ability. Question Title * 1. Name: (optional) Question Title * 2. I am a… Faculty Sanborn Parent Student Neighbor/ Community Member Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Age: (Check One) 5-18 19-39 40-59 60-79 80+ Question Title * 4. What do you love most about the current playground? Rank in order of preference Question Title * 5. What improvements do you want to see in the new playground, including accessible play? Question Title * 6. Please provide examples of playgrounds you like (name, town)? And feel free to provide additional information about why you like this playground. Question Title * 7. Please rank the playgrounds below in order of preference of the style of the structure Question Title * 8. What elements would you like to see in this space? Slides Swings Monkey bars Spinners Sensory Play Social Spaces Field Play Outdoor Learning Picnic Area Hard Surface Play Walking Loop Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Please provide ideas for hard surface play Foursquare Hockey Basketball Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Please specify minimum number of swings needed. (note: the playground currently has 10 swings) Question Title * 11. What would you like to see for shade? (in order of preference) Question Title * 12. Please provide email address if you would like to receive project updates and notices for upcoming meetings. (optional): Question Title * 13. Any final thoughts to share? Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact:Carolyn FawcettPrincipalSanborn Elementary School90 Lovejoy Rd, Andover, MA 01810carolyn.fawcett@andoverma.us(978) 247-9700 Done