Body Politic Virtual Content
What kinds of issues do you want to see covered in our publication? You can pick more than one!
How to put together a WFH Self-Care kit
Suggestions for an at-home Exercise Routine
Guide to speaking about COVID in a Non-Ableist Way
COVID, panic, and Mental Health
Essays on Personal Experiences During Quarantine
How Wellness Studios should Approach COVID
Understanding anti-Asian Harassment
Other (please specify)
What types of virtual event programming are you most interested in?
Zoom Meet-ups to Play games or Co-work
Online Book Club
IG Live Panel Discussions
IG Live Wellness Workshops
Virtual Support Groups
Virtual Body Talk Open Mic Night!
Other (please specify)
What kind of online support groups would you be interested in being a part of? (choose as many that apply)
Auto-immune compromised support group
Support Group for Fears/experiences of Anti-Asian Harassment
WFH Bored af Hangout
COVID Positive and COVID Survivors Support Group
Other (please specify)
Do you have any other suggestions or wishes for how Body Politic can address COVID-19 moving forward?