Question Title



Title of Research Study: Relationship between the Queer Community and the Concept of Found Family

Researcher's Contact Information:  :  Caitlin Hobbs,; Faculty advisor: Alice Gooding,

You are being invited to take part in a research study conducted by Caitlin Hobbs of Kennesaw State University.  Before you decide to participate in this study, you should read this form and ask questions about anything that you do not understand.


Description of Project
The purpose of the study is to determine the effect that COVID-19 is having on death practices within the United States. The information acquired will hopefully provide a rough road map of the lasting effects the 2020 pandemic may have, as well as showing the cultural changes that have taken place.


Explanation of Procedures
The participant is asked to answer questions posed on their experiences with funerals or memorials during this time and how the pandemic may have affected their cultural/personal death rituals and how they mourn.


Time Required
It is estimated that this interview will take from 45 minutes to an hour.


Risks or Discomforts
Information given during this study may be traumatic or triggering in nature. If discussing this topic causes some mental discomfort or upset, please take advantage of Kennesaw State University’s Mental Health Resources if you are a student: For other counseling help, please visit

There are no direct benefits to participants of the study.

There is no compensation for your participation in this study.


The results of this participation will be anonymous. All collected data will be safeguarded in the following ways: (1) any identifiers will be kept separate from the data; (2) all digital files will be kept on an encrypted and password protected thumb drive; (3) all hardcopy data will be kept under lock and key in a filing cabinet at my home or office. In any presentations or write-ups of the study findings, either data will be aggregated or pseudonyms will be used to ensure confidentiality.


Inclusion Criteria for Participation
Sample selection criteria include adults 18 years of age and older who are related to the funerary business in some way or have had a death of a loved one during the last 8 months.