PBLD: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors - Implications in Perioperative Patient Care

Learning objectives:
After participating in this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Recognize the patient population who may be on immune checkpoint inhibitors
  2. Distinguish the immune-mediated adverse events (irAEs) that may be associated with these agents
  3. Develop a plan for the perioperative management of patients on immune checkpoint inhibitors and how to manage potential perioperative complications surrounding these agents
  4. Recognizing what the immune checkpoint mediators are and what is used most commonly

Question Title

* 1. PBLD Evaluation

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The objectives were clearly stated 
The stated objectives were met 
I acquired new skills and/or knowledge
The problem or case discussed was thought-provoking and relevant to my learning needs
Most of this PBLD involved active participation and allowed participants to come to their own conclusions
I enjoyed learning in this format 

Question Title

* 2. Which CanMEDS roles were addressed?

Question Title

* 3. FACILITATOR: Dr Raegan Cleven

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
organized and managed the discussion well 
communicated instructions clearly and effectively 
was knowledgeable about this topic 
allowed the group to explore the problem 
was helpful in guiding the group in coming to useful conclusions 
provided me with specific and helpful feedback 
kept the session running on time 

Question Title

* 4. The PBLD and the facilitator were balanced and free from commercial bias

Question Title

* 5. Should this event be repeated in the future?

Question Title

* 6. Topic suggestions for future PBLDs

Question Title

* 7. Other Comments

Thank you for completing the evaluation!