Thank you for taking this survey! We are interested in your honest opinions so that we can continue to improve our customer support.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the specific National Park that you are responding to.

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* 2. How did you get the information about visiting Tanzania National Parks? (please tick one or more)

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* 3. Have you visited this park before? (please tick one box)

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* 4. Before coming to this park, did you visit any other parks in Tanzania? (please tick one box only)

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* 5. If Yes Please select from the list as applicable.

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* 6. What attracted you to visit this park?

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* 7. When you were planning your trip to Tanzania, was this park your main destination? (please tick one box)

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* 8. What activities have you participated  in this park

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* 9. Are there any activities that you wished to do in the park and they are not available ?

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* 10. What type of accommodations did you use once in the park?