Transport Needs in Clunes

Clunes Transport Service Survey

As part of the Living and Ageing Well in Hepburn project, funded by the Western Victoria Primary Health Network under the Australian Government's Primary Health Network Program, Clunes has the opportunity to look at transport options for older people in our community.  

Help us design what this service might look like!  Pop into BOOM at 28 Fraser Street to have a chat before August 30th; or complete this brief survey here. Please note, the last three questions are to help us understand the potential impact of transport issues on wellbeing. The survey will take about 4 minutes to complete.
1.Name (required) (First and Last name)(Required.)
2.Gender (required)(Required.)
3.Which age group do you fall within?(Required.)
4.What do you do now for transport?  Select those that typically apply.(Required.)
5.What sort of transport support would help you?
6.What are the main reasons you need to travel?  Select those that apply.(Required.)
7.Where do you need to travel to? Select those that apply.
8.Would you use public transport more often if it were available?
9.How do you feel about your current ability to travel?(Required.)
10.How much of an improvement would it be for you to be able to travel more than you do?(Required.)
11.How often do you feel that you lack companionship as a result of transport issues?(Required.)
12.How often do you feel left out as a result of transport issues?
13.How often do you feel isolated from others as a result of transport issues?(Required.)
14.Is there anything else you think we should consider when we look at transport solutions in Clunes?