River Falls Days Parade Registration 2025

Friday, July 12, 2025
Lineup open - 4:30PM
Parade Begins at 6PM

Monday, June 9, 2025, 4PM
Final participation confirmation will be sent by June 13, 2025.


Upon confirmation of participation, exhibitor and/or parade fees are non-refundable. See registration form for details.

• Best Use of Theme
• Best Visiting Royalty
• Best Music Unit
• Judges’ Choice Award

To Register for the RFD Parade, please submit the following:

1. Complete the online Parade Registration Form
2. Submit Entry Fee. Registration fee is non refundable upon acceptance of application.
3. Have all participants complete a parade waiver. Available online or for download: https://rfchamber.com/river-falls-days/

The parade will be limited to 100 units and will fill fast! Unregistered units who show up day of will not be allowed to participate in the parade.

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* 1. Primary Contact First & Last Name

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* 2. Contact Person's Telephone Number

Country Code
Phone number

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* 4. Please provide additional email contact(s) who need to receive parade updates & communications (I.E. driver of vehicle, volunteer leaders within your group).

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Please note: If your unit exceeds 30 feet, and additional unit fee will apply at the same rate. For example, non-profit member, registering 60 ft, total cost will be $100.

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* 6. Please provide your appx. unit length, in feet and/or vehicle size.

Unit Length Requirements:
The total, maximum length of your parade unit, including vehicles, walkers, floats, trailers, animals, etc. must not exceed 30 feet. If more than 30 feet, an additional unit fee is required.

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* 7. Organization/Group Name (to be used in parade announcements)

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* 8. THEME/DESCRIPTION - to be used by announcers during the event. If not provided at time of application, we can not guarantee a description will be included.

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* 9. Will your float include music?

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* 10. FLOAT TYPE & PARTICIPATION (Please Select all that apply)

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• Arrival Time: A final parade email will be sent to the contact listed on the parade form 1-2 days prior to the parade. You must arrive at the staging area at the time specified in that email. Late arrivals will be denied participation and parade entry fees will not be refunded.

• Traffic: Please be aware that there will be motorized traffic and foot traffic within the same areas. Motorized vehicles should maintain a very low rate of speed and use extreme caution when navigating the staging area. Please take proper safety precautions to keep this area safe for everyone.

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• Arrival Time: A final parade email will be sent to the contact listed on the parade application 1-2 days prior to the parade. The lineup will also be available on www.rfchamber.com.

• You must arrive at the staging area during the check in window. Late arrivals will be denied participation and parade entry fees will not be refunded.

• Traffic: Please be aware that there will be motorized traffic and foot traffic within the same areas. Motorized vehicles should maintain a very low rate of speed and use extreme caution when navigating the staging area. Please take proper safety precautions to keep this area safe for everyone.

• Parade Map: Available online here: https://rfchamber.com/river-falls-days/

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All units must enter from Quarry Road. The check in period is from 4:30PM - 5:30PM on Friday, July 11.
It is your responsibility to share all staging information within your organization. The map is available online here: https://rfchamber.com/river-falls-days/
I have read and understand this instruction.

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Please communicate this instruction to your driver and/or participants:
Please leave 1-2 car lengths behind the unit in front of you. To keep the parade moving, it is critical to not leave large gaps, and keep a safe distance from the unit in front of you.

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If passing out candy or items to participants, you must walk along the curb.

Do you agree to comply?

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Each Parade Participant is required to complete the participation waiver.
Please click here to download to send to all participants in your group. You are responsible for having individuals within your group complete the waiver.

Complete the online waiver here: https://airtable.com/appZlfXzczBx553uV/shr9HGNO401sxJFJd
OR Download available here: https://rfchamber.com/river-falls-days/

I have read and understand the instruction stated above.

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* 17. I have had sufficient time to read this entire document and, should I choose to do so, consult with legal counsel prior to signing. Also, I understand that this activity might not be made available to me or that the cost to engage in this activity would be significantly greater if I were to choose not to sign this release and agree that the opportunity to participate at the stated cost in return for the execution of this release is a reasonable bargain. I have read and understood and I agree to be bound by its terms. PLEASE PROVIDE FIRST AND LAST NAME BELOW.

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* 18. Additional Comments