The Rock Hill - Fort Mill Area Transportation Study (RFATS) is seeking input on safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists in the region. The RFATS Planning Area includes the cities of Rock Hill and Tega Cay, the Town of Fort Mill, the Catawba Nation, the eastern urbanized portion of York County as well as the panhandle of Lancaster County. The information you provide will be used to update our existing regional bicycle / pedestrian network as well as supporting policies and programs benefiting all users of the transportation system. Thank you for your participation!

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Regional Network Map

<strong>Regional Network Map</strong>

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* 1. Do you walk to get from one destination to another in the RFATS region?

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* 2. How would you describe the condition of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and walking paths in the RFATS region?

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* 3. Where do you see problems with sidewalk conditions/sidewalk gaps, if any?

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* 4. Which of the following would encourage you to walk more in the RFATS region? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. To where would you most like to walk in the RFATS region?

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* 6. Do you bike to get from one destination to another in the RFATS region?

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* 7. To where would you most like to bike in the RFATS region?

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* 8. How would you describe the condition of infrastructure for bicycling (shoulders, bike lanes, pathways, signage, pavement condition) in the RFATS region?

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* 9. Where do you see problems with the condition of bicycle infrastructure, if any?

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* 10. Which of the following would encourage you to bike more in the RFATS region? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. Rank the following bicycle facilities in order of preference (1-5, 5 being most desirable)

  1 2 3 4 5
Separated Bike Lanes
Trails & Greenways
Bike Routes (signed routes on low volume streets/roads)
Bike Lanes/Shoulders
On Road (No specific bike facilities)

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* 12. Have you traveled outside of the RFATS region to use a trail or to ride your bike?

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* 13. Would you ride your bicycle more in the RFATS region if conditions seemed safer?

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* 14. Have you been mistreated by a motorist while walking or biking in the RFATS region in the past six months?

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* 15. I would like my road enhancement tax dollars to provide pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure (such as sidewalks, bike lanes, pathways, etc.)

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* 16. Is there anything else you would like to share with the Project Team regarding walking and biking in the RFATS region?

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* 17. Do you live and / or work in the RFATS Region?

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* 18. Where do you live? Please provide your zip code.

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* 19. Where do you work? Please provide the zip code of your place of work.

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* 20. What age group are you in?

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* 21. With which gender do you identify?

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* 22. What is your ethnic background? (Check all that apply)

If you have further questions or comments for the Project Team, please contact us at: