Girls' Life Survey 2024 Question Title * 1. How old are you? 12 or younger 13 14 15 16 17 18 or older Question Title * 2. (Optional) What is your email address? (We’ll use it to contact you if you win the giveaway for taking this survey!) Question Title * 3. Which country do you live in? United States Canada Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. You are currently in: Middle school High school College Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Do you read Girls’ Life? Check all that apply: I read the magazine I look at the website I follow on social media @girlslifemag No, I don't read it on any platform Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Have you used social media in the past year? Yes No Question Title * 7. Check any social media platforms that you use/used once a month or more in the past year: Instagram TikTok Pinterest Snapchat I use these but less than once a month I do not use social media Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. (Optional) Please expand on your answer above. How much time do you spend on each of these platforms in a typical day? What are you doing on them? Question Title * 9. Do you care about influencers and/or celebrities? Yes, a lot Yes, occasionally No, very rarely No, never Question Title * 10. (Optional) Please expand on your answer above. Which influencers/celebrities are you interested in, if any? Question Title * 11. Do you enjoy going to school? Yes, always Yes, most of the time No, not very often No, never Question Title * 12. What is the best part of school? Question Title * 13. What is the worst part of school? Question Title * 14. You would best describe yourself as... Very confident Mostly confident A little bit confident Not at all confident Question Title * 15. What makes you feel confident? Question Title * 16. What would make you feel more confident? Question Title * 17. Do you see yourself as a leader? Yes Sometimes No Question Title * 18. When you have an opinion that is different from the people around you, do you feel like you can speak up about it? Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, not usually No, never Question Title * 19. (Optional) Please expand on your answers above. Question Title * 20. Do you feel like you have a good place to go to get trustworthy, honest and validating advice? Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, not usually No, never Question Title * 21. (Optional) Briefly expand on your answer above. Question Title * 22. What are 3 things you wish you could get better advice on? Question Title * 23. Something you are passionate about is... Question Title * 24. You would best describe yourself as… Having a lot of friends Having a few friends Having one or two friends Having no friends Question Title * 25. Do you feel you have a lot in common with your friends? Yes Not really No Question Title * 26. When it comes to very close/best friends, you’d describe yourself as… Having several very close/best friends Having one or two very close/best friends Having no very close/best friends Question Title * 27. (Optional) What do you look for in a friend? How about in a very close/best friend? Question Title * 28. (Optional) What do you usually like to do with your friends? Question Title * 29. (Optional) What do you like to talk about with your friends? Question Title * 30. (Optional) Do you enjoy the things you do with friends or do you wish you could do other things? If so, what would you prefer to do? Question Title * 31. If you wanted to make new friends, would you know where to start? Yes No Question Title * 32. (Optional) What is the biggest difficulty you’ve experienced making or keeping friends? Question Title * 33. When it comes to your body image, the statement that’s closest to how you feel is: I like and feel comfortable in my body pretty much all of the time. I like and feel comfortable in my body a good amount of the time. I do not like or feel comfortable in my body very often. I almost never like or feel comfortable in my body. I do not want to answer this question. Question Title * 34. How often do you typically eat meals or snacks containing fruits and vegetables? More than once a day Once a day A couple times a week A couple times a month Almost never Question Title * 35. How often do you typically move your body for 30 minutes or more? Walking the dog, dance, sports practice, stretching, gym class all count! More than once a day Once a day A couple times a week A couple times a month Almost never Question Title * 36. (Optional) What is one question you have about your body? Question Title * 37. When you have questions about your body/body image, do you feel you have a good source of honest, trustworthy and validating advice? Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, not usually No, never Question Title * 38. (Optional) Have you dealt with physical health challenges and conditions that have limited what you have wanted to do or achieve? Yes No Question Title * 39. (Optional) Have you dealt with mental/emotional health challenges and conditions that have limited what you have wanted to do or achieve? Yes No Question Title * 40. (Optional) If you would like, expand on your answers above. Question Title * 41. When it comes to your beauty routine, the statement that’s closest to how you feel is… I use makeup, hair and/or skincare products most of the time I use makeup, hair and/or skincare products often I occasionally use makeup, hair and/or skincare products I almost never use makeup, hair and/or skincare products Question Title * 42. What’s your level of interest in makeup, hair and/or skincare products and trends? Always interested Often interested Occasionally interested Almost never interested Other (please specify) Question Title * 43. (Optional) If you would like, expand on your answers above. Question Title * 44. Do you enjoy following fashion trends/current aesthetics? Yes, almost always Yes, sometimes No, not usually No, never Question Title * 45. (Optional) Where do you go for fashion/style advice and inspiration? Question Title * 46. (Optional) One question you have about fashion/personal style is… Question Title * 47. When it comes to crushes, the statement that’s closest to how you feel is… I almost always have a crush on someone I often have a crush on someone I rarely have a crush on someone, but it’s happened I am not sure if I have had a crush on someone I have never had a crush on someone I am not able to answer this question Question Title * 48. When it comes to dating and romantic relationships among you and your friends, the statement that’s closest to how you feel is… I am interested in dating and relationships I am occasionally interested in dating and relationships I am not particularly interested in dating and relationships I am not able to answer this question Question Title * 49. Have you ever been in an "official" romantic relationship? Yes No Kind of I'm not sure I am not able to answer this question Question Title * 50. (Optional) One question you have about crushes/dating/relationships is... Question Title * 51. When it comes to stress, the statement that’s closest to how you feel is: I am almost always stressed I am often stressed I am sometimes stressed I am rarely stressed I am not able to answer this question Question Title * 52. In the past year, what has made you feel stressed? Check all that apply: School Friends Family Extracurricular activities Crushes/dating/relationships Social media Body image Self-esteem/confidence Worries about the past Worries about the present Worries about the future I have not been stressed in the past year Other (please specify) Question Title * 53. (Optional) What is the one thing you have been the *most* stressed about in the past three months? Question Title * 54. When it comes to mental health, the statement that’s closest to how you feel is… I almost always struggle with my mental health I often struggle with my mental health I occasionally struggle with my mental health I rarely struggle with my mental health I never struggle with my mental health I am not able to answer this question Question Title * 55. (Optional) Expand on your answers above. If you have struggled with your mental health, what areas of your life has it impacted? Question Title * 56. If you were struggling with something serious (like body image or mental health), can you think of a trusted adult you would definitely talk to? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 57. (Optional) What is something you have noticed affects some/most of your friends, classmates or community that does *not* really affect you? Question Title * 58. Do you feel there are people in your life who understand and accept you for who you truly are? Yes, most people do Yes, a couple of people do No, almost no one does Other (please specify) Question Title * 59. When you need advice, who do you go to? Check all that apply: Family members Friends Teachers/counselors/coaches/mentors Therapist/psychologist Doctor Google/websites TikTok Instagram YouTube Books/magazines Nobody, I just rely on myself Other (please specify) Question Title * 60. When you think about your future (10-15 years from now), do you know where you want to be, who you want to be around and what you want to be doing? Yes, pretty clearly Yes, a little bit No, not so much No, not at all Question Title * 61. When you think about the future (10-15 years from now), how do you feel? Check all that apply: Excited Optimistic Empowered Nervous Stressed Scared Other (please specify) Question Title * 62. What do you think is the single biggest problem affecting you personally right now? Question Title * 63. What do you think is the single biggest problem affecting girls your age right now? Question Title * 64. (Optional) What is something you think more people should be normalizing or talking about? Question Title * 65. (Optional) What movies, TV shows, music, YouTube channels, etc. are you into watching lately? Question Title * 66. (Optional) When you have free time alone, how do you prefer to spend it? What do you like to do? Question Title * 67. (Optional) Do you think social media is good or bad for girls your age? Why? Question Title * 68. (Optional) If you could have three wishes granted to improve your life right now, what would you ask for? Question Title * 69. Thank you for taking our survey! Any other thoughts for the Girls’ Life team? Done