Poster Session Evaluation

The Research and Evidence-Based Practice Council at UMC would like to thank you for your attendance at the poster sessions of the 2024 7th Annual Research Empowerment Day.

Three (3) CE are offered for full participation (i.e., viewing all posters and completing the evaluation) for this educational activity.

The objective of this event was to share information on research, case studies, clinical project (completed and proposed) and general knowledge enhancement across all professions and disciplines in Southern Nevada.

Please complete the brief evaluation survey below; we appreciate your feedback. If you would like to receive Nursing CE credits, you will need to complete the entire evaluation and provide your name and your preferred email at the end of the survey. Your certificate will be emailed to you within 48 - 72 hours of your submission.

Thank you again for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Did you participate in this event in-person, virtually, or both

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your level of agreement with the items below

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
The objective of the event was clear
My personal learning objective(s) for attending the event was/were met
I attended the virtual event which allowed for easy poster viewing
I attended the in-person event which allowed for easy poster viewing
The amount of time allotted was sufficient
I plan to attend the next Research Empowerment Day
What I learned from viewing the posters will enhance my professional practice
I would recommend this event to others

Question Title

* 3. Suggestions for improvements to this event

Question Title

* 4. Last Name (if you would like to receive CE, this question must be answered)

Question Title

* 5. First Name (if you would like to receive CE, this question must be answered)

Question Title

* 6. Your preferred email to receive your CE certificate

Thank you for completing the evaluation. Your input is appreciated.
If you provided your email, you should receive your CE Certificate via the email you provide within 48-72 hours.
Contact Mary Bondmass if you completed and submitted the survey, but did not receive your CE certificate