South Wairarapa District Council is seeking feedback on the remission of rates, in certain circumstances, related to separately used or inhabited parts (SUIP’s) on the same property. This consultation is being carried out under Section 82 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA).

Read the Statement of Proposal here.

This consultation is not a Special Consultative Process (SCP) and will not require hearings or deliberations to take place. The feedback given will be provided to the Council as background information to aid decision making in relation to the new policies.

Privacy statement
Your name and feedback will be in public documents. All other personal details will remain private. The Privacy Act 2020 applies when we collect personal details. Any details that are collected will only be used for the purposes stated. You have the right to access and correct any personal information we hold.

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* Contact details

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* Are you providing feedback on behalf of an organisation?

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* Question 1: Do you agree with Remission 1: Residential Properties in Certain Circumstances?
e.g. provide relief to ratepayers with more than one Separately Used or Inhabitable Part (SUIP) that are used to accommodate dependent or other family members.

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* Question 2: Do you agree with Remission 2: Retail Properties in Certain Circumstances?
e.g. provide relief to ratepayers with more than one Separately Used or Inhabitable Part (SUIP) where retail premises may also be the owner’s residential accommodation.

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* Question 3: Do you agree with Remission 3: Pastoral and Dairying Properties in Certain Circumstances?
e.g. provide relief to ratepayers with more than one Separately Used or Inhabitable Part (SUIP) to house essential workers required for the day to day operations of the farm.

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* Based on your above answers, why do you think we should or should not provide these remissions?

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* Do you have any further feedback on the draft remissions?