ICA is conducting a survey for the next issue of the ICA Update. This survey will focus on all relationships and IC/BPS (spouses and partners, family, friends, and coworkers). All responses will be used anonymously, although you may indicate if you are willing to be contacted by ICA for more information. Thank you for taking a moment to provide your feedback.

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* 1. What does your partner/spouse do to help you manage your IC/BPS?

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* 2. What do you wish your partner/spouse would do that they don’t?

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* 3. Are there things they do to try to help that you wish they didn’t?

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* 4. How do you talk with your partner/spouse about these issues?


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* 5. How do other members of your family (children, siblings, relatives) help you manage your IC/BPS?

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* 6. What do you wish they would do that they don’t?

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* 7. Are there things they try to do that they shouldn’t? Are there things you wish they understood about IC/BPS and how they could help you?

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* 8. How do you talk with family members about these issues?


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* 9. How do your friends help you manage your IC/BPS?

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* 10. Are there other things they could do to support you?

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* 11. Are there things they say or do that you wish they didn’t? Are there things you wish they understood about IC/BPS and how they could help you?

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* 12. How do you talk with friends about these issues?


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* 13. Are there coworkers you talk to about your IC/BPS? If so, how has doing so helped (or hurt) your work relationships?

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* 14. How do you talk with these coworkers about IC/BPS? Are there things you wish they understood about IC/BPS and how they could help you?

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* 15. Any other advice you’d give the people in your life about supporting you?

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* 16. Are you willing to be quoted and/or interviewed for the ICA Update magazine? Your information will remain anonymous if you don’t want your name printed.

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* 17. If yes, please provide your contact information below:

Thank you for taking time to provide feedback regarding relationships and IC/BPS. Please click the "done" button below to submit your response.