Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We estimate that it should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Realize is a national, charitable organization that responds to the rehabilitation* needs of people living with HIV. Our aim is to bridge the traditionally separate worlds of HIV, disability and rehabilitation through research, education and cross-sector partnerships, in order to improve the lives of people with HIV.

Realize will use the information from this survey to develop educational resources and training programs for front-line service providers in community-based HIV/HCV/STBBI organizations for the development of a how-to guide on integrating wellness/rehabilitation initiatives in their programming

Only summary data will be used in developing programming to improve the lives of people living with HIV/HCV/STBBIs. Realize will maintain the confidentiality of your responses. 

*Realize defines rehabilitation as any services or activities that address or prevent body impairments, activity limitations, and social participation restrictions experienced by an individual