Presentation Worksheet

Please complete the following worksheet with the requested information and submit it by June 15, 2017.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Name(s):

Question Title

* 2. Contact Email(s):

Question Title

* 3. Contact Phone Number(s):

Question Title

* 4. For which regional meeting would you like your proposal to be considered?

Question Title

* 5. Name of Presenter(s) (if different than above)

Question Title

* 6. Presenter(s') Bio(s) (75 words or less)

Question Title

* 7. Topic/Subject Area

Question Title

* 8. Session Title (This can be a working title)

Question Title

* 9. Session Description (approximately 100 words)

Question Title

* 10. Format

Question Title

* 11. What key takeaways will this session provide attendees?

Question Title