Our volunteers are invaluable to Redeye. There are different roles available and it is a rewarding and stimulating, and often even sociable experience!

If you're interested in helping out at the events in any capacity, we'd love to hear from you. Although there's no money in it, we can offer reasonable travel expenses incurred and refreshments. It's usually a rewarding, exciting and sometimes sociable experience - and of course you get to see inspiring events for free, and hang out with the staff and the speakers - all lovely people. You will also be invited to our new exclusive volunteer social which will happen once or twice a year.

So that we can gather together an effective team and also try to meet your own expectations, please complete the form below and we'll get back in touch with you shortly.

We try and work with volunteers quite long term. Many of those who have volunteered with us have found it of considerable benefit to their careers, some have gone into jobs as a direct result of volunteering, and we always prioritise career and professional development help for our regular volunteers.

We expect all volunteers to be motivated, self-starters, 100% reliable and willing to work on their own.

The type of volunteer work we can offer at events:
1) Front of house such as reception / signing in and ushering;
2) Technical event set up (AV equipment etc).
3) Serving refreshments.
4) Recording the event in sound, video or stills (previous experience and own equipment required)
5) Completing audience monitoring
6) Photographic teaching assisting
7) Writing event reviews