Request a CWE Classroom Presentation |
The CWE provides presentations upon request. If you are a Montclair State University instructor and would like to schedule an in-class presentation, please complete and submit the form below.
We have two types of presentations: class visits and workshops.
Class visits provide an overview of CWE resources and services, and your students will have the opportunity to ask questions. Class visits usually last approximately 10-15 minutes and are best scheduled at the start or end of a class period.
Workshops are approximately 50 minutes long and include an overview of our resources and services plus a workshop on one specific topic.
If you would like to request a presentation for more than one course, please submit a separate form for each presentation that you would like to schedule.
If you would like to request a presentation for more than one course, please submit a separate form for each presentation that you would like to schedule.