2023 Firmly Rooted CSA End-of-Year Survey Question Title * 1. Do you plan to be part of the CSA next year? Yes No Maybe Please let us know why or why not. Question Title * 2. Would you be interested in participating in any of the listed on farm activities? Select all that apply. Planting or Harvest Days Potlucks Farm Tours Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Are there any vegetables that you wish we offered, or offered more frequently? Question Title * 4. Would you be interested in an on-farm pick your own for CSA Members? Yes No What would you like to harvest? Question Title * 5. What is the item or feature that keeps you coming back? Question Title * 6. What might make it easier for all of our members to return their cooler bags? Question Title * 7. Do you read the newsletter? Yes No Sometimes If yes or sometimes, what content do you like most (recipes, farm stories, how to grow, etc.)? Question Title * 8. Would you be interested in a flower share? No, never No, but I'd buy the occasional bunch Yes, weekly Yes, biweekly Question Title * 9. Are there any vegetables you would like to buy in bulk for preserving? Question Title * 10. How did you hear about us? Done