Perceptions towards and improvement of Dermatology teaching: An observational and qualitative study

Dear Medical Students

You are invited to participate in the research project described below.

What is the project about?

The research project investigates the perceptions of medical students towards dermatology and the potential use of electronic learning (eLearning). The information will be collected through quizzes, surveys and focus groups and focus predominantly on the tertiary teaching of dermatology. We hope to use feedback and insights from medical students to create a smartphone application that improves medical students knowledge and confidence regarding dermatology presentations.

Who is undertaking the project?

This project is being conducted by Dr Philippa Dickison, Clinical Associate Professor Saxon Smith and Associate Professor Gayle Fischer. All the researchers are based at the Dermatology Department, Royal North Shore Hospital. Clin A/Prof Smith and A/Prof Fischer are affiliated with the Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney. Dr Dickison is a PhD student at the University of Sydney.

The research will form the basis for the degree of a Doctor of Philosophy for Dr Dickison. Additionally, at the University of Notre Dame, Liz Henness will be overseeing the project.

What will I be asked to do?

If you consent to take part in this research study, it is important that you understand the purpose of the study and the tasks you will be asked to complete. Please make sure that you ask any questions you may have, and that all your questions have been answered to your satisfaction before you agree to participate.

If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to sign a consent form at the start of any involvement in the study. This will most likely take place at a focus group/interview.

This study will be conducted over 12 to 18 months. Your involvement in the study will involve participation in focus groups and/or the completion of 2 online quizzes as well as the use of an educational mobile application (app). The topic of the quizzes and app will be clinically relevant dermatology.

The focus groups will take approximately 15 minutes and will be scheduled at convenient times before or after regular tutorials. In each group there will be 5-10 people. Participation is entirely voluntary. The focus groups will be recorded but all participants and their views will remain anonymous.  

The quizzes will be approximately one year apart. The app is designed to improve your understanding of dermatological diagnosis, investigation and management. It is self-paced but is expected to take each student 5-10 hours to complete. The app also includes some questions regarding the user’s satisfaction with the app.

The application will be available to download from iTunes or Google Play and will require an internet connection. You are free to use it whenever is convenient for you.

Are there any risks associated with participating in this project?

There are no specific risks anticipated with participation in this study.

What are the benefits of the research project?

This study aims to further medical teaching by using the findings to guide the creation of smartphone application and ultimately improve the confidence and abilities of junior doctors and registrars in regards to dermatology. The study will benefit future medical students and may not benefit you directly.

What if I change my mind?

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. Even if you agree to participate, you can withdraw from the study at any time without discrimination or prejudice. If you withdraw, all information you have provided through the app will be erased. Because of the anonymous and group nature of the focus groups we will be unable to remove your involvement. However, this information will not be a
Will anyone else know the results of the project?

Information gathered about you will be held in strict confidence. This confidence will only be broken if required by law.

All personal information collected through the surveys or app will be coded and will not be shared with the investigators or your university. You will be required to use your university email to log in to the app but this will only be used to track your participation. This information will only be accessed by Dr Philippa Dickison and will not be passed on to your university. Participation and/or completion of the app are not university requirements.

Once the study is completed, the data collected from you will be de-identified and stored securely in the School of Medicine at the Department of Dermatology at Royal North Shore Hospital for at least a period of five years. The results of the study will be published as a journal article and thesis.

Will I be able to find out the results of the project?

Once we have analysed the information from this study we will email the School of Medicine a summary of our findings.  You can expect to receive this feedback in approximately 18 months.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the project?

If you have any questions about this project please feel free to contact either myself,, or my supervisor, Gayle Fischer, My supervisor and I are happy to discuss with you any concerns you may have about this study.

What if I have a concern or complaint?

The study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at The University of Notre Dame Australia (approval number 017130S), the University of Sydney (HREC reference LNR/16/HAWKE/117) and Gosford Hospital (ref 0516-050C). If you have a concern or complaint regarding the ethical conduct of this research project and would like to speak to an independent person from your institution. Please contact Notre Dame’s Ethics Officer at (+61 8) 9433 0943 or; the NSLHD Research Office on 02 9926 4590; or the Governance Manager at Gosford Hospital, Amamda Jackson on 4320 2085 or  Any complaint or concern will be treated in confidence and fully investigated. You will be informed of the outcome.

How do I sign up to participate?

If you are happy to participate, please attend one focus group session, sign the consent form, complete the online surveys and play the application as much as you’d like!

Thank you for your time. 

Yours sincerely,

Dr Philippa Dickison