Heaven in Your Home Letters Reader Survey

The Trinity House Community team would so appreciate you taking two minutes to share your feedback with us as we seek to improve the weekly Heaven in Your Home Letters. Our goal is to inspire and equip you with practical strategies to find heaven in your home. All responses in this survey will be anonymous. Thank you!
1.What is your favorite part of the weekly Letters?
2.What do you think about the length of the reflection?
3.What do you think of the format of the Letters?
4.Which of the following issues would you like the Letters to focus on more? Select as many as you'd like.
5.If you could suggest one improvement for the Letters, what would it be? (optional) 
6.What best describes you?
7.If you are open to providing an anonymous testimonial about how the Letters have helped you, we would be grateful if you would share it here. (optional)
8.What is the most important issue you think the Letters should be addressing more regularly? (optional)
9.What would make it easier for you to forward the Letters to a friend? Choose all applicable.
10.Please share any further feedback with us here -- and thank you! (optional)
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered