Demand Manager Smart App Survey
Darwin's Den Demand Manager Smart App Survey
Thank you for taking this survey!
Has the app been working for you? Has it helped you to meet your demand goal? If so, what features have been especially helpful?
What’s not working well with the app or could be improved?
What future enhancements would you like to see?
What notifications do you have enabled (select all that apply):
Cycle Demand Exceeded
New monthly High Demand
General Demand Status
Pending Thermostat Control
Are you using the Demand Manager to turn on/off other smart devices/switches) based on peak periods or demand events?
What Thermostat configuration options are you using (select all that apply)?
None. I am not using the Demand Manager to control or monitor my thermostat.
I am using the Demand Manager to automatically turn off my thermostat when my demand goal is exceeded.
I am controlling my thermostat manually based on Demand Manager notifications.
I am using the Demand Manager to pre-cool my home.
I am using the thermostat control "Conserve Energy" option to allow my thermostat to remain on when it is close to the end of a peak period.
I am using Thermostat Temperature Rise Scheduling (TRS).
How often do you view/use the Demand Manager device on the SmartThings mobile app (for viewing current demand status, peak daily demand, peak monthly demand, etc)?
Daily or multiple times per day
About once a week or a few times a week
Once a month or a few times per month
Rarely or never
Which demand display indicator devices are you using with the Demand Manager?
None - I am not using a demand display indicator device
The HomeSeer WD200+ Dimmer
The EZMultiPli Z-Wave display device
The HomeSeer HSM200 Z-Wave Multi-Sensor (HomeSeer's version of the EZMultiPli)
Are you using the virtual Demand Meters (Display Indicator Preferences) to display current, projected, daily peak, or monthly peak on a SmartThings Dashboard such as ActionTiles or HousePanel?
Are there any other comments you would like to add that you haven't already mentioned in the survey? Are you using the app in a way that might be insightful to describe here? Are there additional issues or enhancement suggestions you would like to mention? What electric utility (eg. PG&E, SRP, Griddy) does your home use? Does your home have unique requirements for demand management?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered