This study is about (To know the perceptions of Saudi medical student towards online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic.).

Your participation is voluntary and you have the right to not complete this survey without giving any reason.

You do not have to sign this information sheet only you can choose to agree/disagree; your acceptance to complete the survey will be interpreted as your informed consent to participate.
Your responses will be kept anonymous. However, whenever one works with email/the internet there is always the risk of compromising privacy, confidentiality, and/or anonymity. Despite this possibility, the risks to your physical, emotional, social, professional, or financial well-being are considered to be ‘less than minimal’.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to participate 

Question Title

* 2.  Age:

Question Title

* 3. Gender:

Question Title

* 4. Martial statues:

Question Title

* 5. Nationality

Question Title

* 6. University name:

Question Title

* 7. Medical year:

Question Title

* 8. How many hours/weekly you used to spend on online studying prior to pandemic?

Question Title

* 9. What have you used to use on online teaching prior to pandemic?

Question Title

* 10. How effective do you think is each platform from 1-7
(1 being most effective and 7 being least effective)

  1. Live tutorials by the medical school
  2. Live tutorials by other
  3. Online question banks
  4. Online flash cards
  5. Pre-recorded tutorials/lectures
  6. Video tutorials (e.g. YouTube)
  7. None/other

Question Title

* 11. How many hours/weekly you used to spend on online studying during the pandemic? 

Question Title

* 12. What have you used to use on online teaching during pandemic? 

Question Title

* 13. Was the online teaching in your university interactive? 

Question Title

* 14. Was there a chance to ask questions? 

Question Title

* 15. Was it enjoyable?

Question Title

* 16. Was it as effective as face-to-face teaching?

Question Title

* 17. What do you think is the main advantage of online teaching? 

Question Title

* 18. What do you think is the main disadvantage of online teaching?

Question Title

* 19. Do you think that online teaching can replace face to face teaching?

Question Title

* 20. Did you have any virtual clinical sessions?

Question Title

* 21. If yes, specify the type of clinical session:

Question Title

* 22. Did you have a chance to interact during the virtual clinical sessions?

Question Title

* 23. Do you think clinical virtual sessions can replace onsite clinical sessions?