The 'costs of a school day' - A short survey from Citizens Advice across Warwickshire

Assessing 'school costs' and what can be done about them

Soon every parent with school-age children will be facing the prospect of buying new or replacement school uniform, making ‘travel to school’ arrangements, preparing to provide school meals, and looking into other ‘school costs’.

Support for households on low incomes with these costs is not easily available. We at Citizens Advice believe more should be done to help these families.

Please complete the short survey below to give us the information we need to take to local and national influencers and decision-makers on this issue.

Thank you.
1.Did you spend money on school uniforms, school meals, school equipment, school travel and / or any other ‘school costs’ last year?
2.Which of the following did you spend money on (tick all that apply)?
3.How much did you spend, approximately, on the items listed above (altogether, not just on uniforms) last year, per child?
4.How much do you believe you will spend this coming year, per child?
5.Do you know where to get help with these costs?
6.Is your school doing enough to support low income households with these costs?
7.Is your local authority doing enough to support low income families with these costs?
8.Did you know claiming ‘free school meals’ allows your school to claim hundreds of pounds per student in ‘pupil premiums’?
9.Do you think enrolment for ‘free school meals’ should be automatic for all those entitled?
10.Is there anything else you want to tell us about ‘school costs’?