Taking my Temperature in SCI (2017/18) Question Title * 1. Identify your current class standing. 12 -Senior 11 - Junior 10 - Sophomore 09 - Freshman Question Title * 2. I am looking forward to the upcoming school year. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 3. The word that best describes my feelings about the upcoming school year. (Provide a one word answer / short explanation after the word.) Question Title * 4. My biggest fear for the upcoming school year is? (Provide a one word answer / short explanation after the word.) Question Title * 5. I am looking forward to this course. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 6. The word that best describes my feelings about this course. (Provide a one word answer / short explanation after the word.) Question Title * 7. What I want to get out of this course, more than anything. (Provide one word answer / followed by short explanation) Question Title * 8. What do I want to most accomplish in this school year. Question Title * 9. Where do I see myself - in September 2018. Short answer please. Question Title * 10. What ultimate career path do I see for myself? Why? (Short answer followed by short explanation ) Question Title * 11. I am optimistic about my personal future. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 12. My biggest fear for my personal future success? (Identify a single word - followed by an optional explanation.) Question Title * 13. I am optimistic about the future of the world. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 14. My biggest fear concerning the future of the world. (Identify a single word - followed by an optional explanation.) Question Title * 15. I love to travel strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 16. My favorite place that I've ever traveled to. Please identify. And why it is so. Question Title * 17. identify and number in order the three places that you have not been to, that you want to travel to, before your bones and body return to the earth. And please one sentence on what you hope to find in each of these three locations. Question Title * 18. Which word best describes your temperature (philosophically about your life) at this moment in time? Hot . Hot. Hot. - i am ready to rock and roll. Near boil - Just give me push in the right direction. Warm - I am tentatively anxious to get moving - after I stick my toe in the pool to test the waters 98.6 F / 37 C - I'm not feeling much either way - but if I must. Chilled - if given a choice i'd rather not Cold and Clammy - I ought to really get out of here. Feverish - I'm panicky to get out of here. Cold stoned dead - Do I even have a pulse? Question Title * 19. I am Awake. (this pertains to YOU) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree I have no idea what you are talking about. Question Title * 20. What does the above question even mean...required. Question Title * 21. Identify in order - (number 1, 2, 3) things that you want to spend time on in Senior Current Issues this school year. Thank you - Grazie - ありがとう- Tak skal du have - Danke sehr - ขอขอบคุณ - Ta