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Former Writing Center Directors Survey

You are being asked to participate in a research study that will gather information on the extent to which your identity as a writing center director has influenced you in re-shaping your professional identity, and the ways in which you have adapted your scholarly and professional expertise to address issues and audiences beyond the discipline. Specifically, you will be asked to answer questions about your experiences beyond those as writing center director in subsequent careers or retirement. Survey results will be delivered and reported anonymously. Even if participants reveal themselves by naming specifics about their lifecycle that might identify them, the research team will not reveal the specific participant. We may ask participants to volunteer participation in follow-up interviews, but those interviews will also be anonymous unless the participant chooses to become known. Thank you for your participation.

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* 1. What is your current age?

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* 2. What is your gender/sexual identity? 

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* 3. What is your race/ethnicity? 

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* 4. What positions other than director, if any, did you hold in the writing center?

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* 5. How long did you work in a writing center as director? If you worked in more than one, please indicate length of time at each.

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* 6. How long ago did you leave your last writing center directorship?

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* 7. What academic training prepared you for a writing center directorship (check all that apply)?

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* 8. If you had academic training, in what field?

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* 9. What avenues of ongoing professional development did you pursue as writing center director? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. In what ways did you contribute to writing center scholarship through publications? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. In what ways did you contribute to writing center scholarship through presentations? (Check all that apply)

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* 12. What leadership positions did you hold as a writing center director?

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* 13. How were you appointed to the directorship? (If you have worked in more than one center, enter information for your most recent position here, and for other positions in question 25.)

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* 14. What was the nature of your position?

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* 15. If your position was faculty, how was it counted?

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* 16. What type of institution did your writing center belong to?

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* 17. Where was your writing center housed?

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* 18. What was the reporting line for your position?

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* 19. Why did you leave writing center work?

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* 20. What did you do upon leaving writing center work?

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* 21. If retired, what have you done since retiring? (check all that apply)

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* 22. In what ways has your writing center experience affected your subsequent work/activity?

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* 23. How might you have better prepared yourself for life after the writing center?

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* 24. What is the most valuable thing that you’ve taken from your writing center experience?

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* 25. If you have worked as a writing center director in more than one writing center, please list data from questions 13 through 19 that apply to your writing center directorships at other institutions in the box below.

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* 26. What would you like to add to your responses?

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* 27. If you are willing to participate in a follow-up interview, please provide your contact information here.

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